I've stepped in to tell you about happenings at the GEE Funny Farm. My name is Elvis and I'm a silkie rooster. I was brought to the Funny Farm by my friend, Becky, because she has another rooster, and as everyone knows, no one needs more than one rooster!!
Anyway, I came and was alone for awhile; Kathy would groom me (I can't reach those pin feathers on my head), and I liked that, but it sure was lonely! Then, two weeks ago, 6 cute chicks showed up during the day. They were in a house next door, but we could see each other and I strutted and crowed a lot so they could see how cool I am!
Last week, we were all let into the yard. I was SO excited!! I just knew these pullets (they are really older than chicks-I'm NOT a egg robber) were going to love me. I even got a chance to show how brave I am. Kathy got all of the pullets into MY house and yard and the ducks (those bullies) came barreling through the door to get the food. I rounded the pullets up into a corner and I stood up to face those ducks. Nothing ended up happening since as soon as they were done eating they took off, but the point is I was ready to defend my girls!!
So, I thought all was well, but when we went outside, these girls headed off into the trees and bushes. I was horrified! Don't they know about raccoons, opossums, hawks, coyotes, and foxes?!? They could have been sitting ducks (so to speak) for any of them (well, maybe not the hawks, though they do sometimes land in a tree waiting for unsuspecting birds to wander by). I ran over and clucked gently, explaining the danger, and headed to the pen. As I arrived at the door, I looked back to make sure all my girls were there and to my astonishment not one had followed me. I tried again. They all came around me and seemed to listen to directions, but again, when I arrived at the safe house I was alone. Kathy, who for some reason was snickering, herded them inside and I could breathe easy since we were safe.
To my amazement, even though those hussies cuddled up to me at night, they totally disregarded my attempts to get them to safety during the day and evening hours. Kathy had to help me every time -- females! Can't live with 'em, can't live without them.
The good news is, I finally rule the roost and I get the girls in safely at night -- maybe I didn't get the brightest bulbs in the pack, but they are mine - whew! What a fella has to put up with!!
Oh, thanks, Asimov, for letting me post.
From the henhouse, over and out - Elvis